Tools & Social Media

Where is based your community?

25,7% of the European tech communities are based on followed by Slack and Linkedin groups.

This graph shows a significant change in where European tech communities are based. remains the leading platform at 25.7%, but it has experienced a sharp decline compared to the 48% reported last year. 

Some thoughts:

As these platforms continue to grow, we may see them competing more directly with Slack and LinkedIn for community management.

Slack and LinkedIn's Steady Position:

Shifting Habits and Hybrid Communities: A growing preference for real-time interaction (Telegram, Discord) and hybrid community approaches (Only in-person events: 7.7%) reflects a desire for diverse, flexible tools to meet evolving needs.

Tools for event organization

use as main tool to organize events followed by Google Forms and Eventbrite.

Comparing the 62,8% of last year keeping the same order we can see a more extensive use of tools to organize events.

Social media used to communicate events

Linkedin and Twitter are the most used socials in the tech communities.

Linkedin is the social related to work and communities offer a big boost to developers career growth so it is the best place where communities can share their training events.

Some recent news about X will let us know if communities will moove on Bluesky or other socials.