Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility

Percentage diversity in european tech communities

47,6% of European tech communities report up to 30% diversity.

The most common reported diversity levels range between 10% and 20%.

 Notably, very few communities report 0% or 40% diversity. This highlights both the presence of diversity in tech communities and the lack of clarity or measurement regarding this aspect. It suggests a need for better awareness and metrics to assess diversity accurately. 

33% of the European tech communities are unsure about their community's diversity .

When we talk about diversity we understand it at 360° this means:

Here are some tips to measure gender diversity at meetups or online community platforms:

Activities to empower diversity, inclusion, and accessibility

17,4% of European tech communities report that using an inclusive language is the most common activity that tech communities do to empower diversity and inclusion alongside having accessible locations (15.9%), and having a code of conduct (15.9%). 

Additionally, some communities mentioned other initiatives such as: