Community impact on devs' lives

What's the impact of communities on developers' lives?

Reading this open question it si possible to understand from the 90% of answers that in a developer's life, there is something truly impactful about being part of a tech community. 

It's a journey that goes beyond just code and technologies. It's a life-changing experience that gives the opportunity to open unimaginable doors and offers the possibility to push a member beyond their own limits.

A community is made of people with the same interests, passion, values, and goals. These people come from several cultures and have so many different backgrounds, skills, and seniority levels but also peers. The biggest values are exchanging, learning, and sharinging. Actively living in this environment allows developers to empower themself both personally and professionally. A community is a safe place where developers can overcome impostor syndrome, and gain confidence in helping others no matter their expertise. Every idea and skill is truly valuable if can help others grow.


Networking is the basis of this process. The connections that each developer is able to give the possibility to push them beyond any boundaries. It is possible to find inspiration in stories of other members who changed careers, founded their dream job, developed new skills, created a new business or project that changed their lives, got the opportunity to speak at major conferences, and became mentors or reference points for the entire community.

But it's not just about careers and opportunities. The community becomes its own family, an indispensable support in every aspect of the personal life. Here, it is possible to seek help for technical problems but also express fears and concerns about the journey that each one runs.

Knowledge sharing

Sharing knowledge and experiences is the best way to grow together. Best practices, and tools are freely shared, and every day it is possible to learn something new.

Personal and professional growth becomes a shared journey. Networking has not only business and professional goals, on the contrary, the real goal is to find new friendships, share passions, get stimulated, and discover that the success of others becomes their own. This fosters collaboration and encourages innovation, and the boldest ideas find space to grow and develop.


But it's not just about the present. A community builds a space to support the future, solve problems, and face the challenges that life and career will bring thanks to mentorship and support in every step you take.

And, above all, you discover that you are part of something bigger than yourself. This is one of the biggest values that communities share: the sense of belonging, one of the essential needs of Maslow's pyramid.

Tech communities are a launching pad for the developers' success. They give wings to soar high, to explore new horizons pushing beyond their own limits. 

Despite this being the common impact that we can read through the answers it is needed to notice also that 10% of them didn't reply anything to this question and in some cases, the answer was "not sure", "have no idea" or "don't know". 

This can mean that all these needs are present in the creation of a community but it can be hard to transmit this to new people or developers that never had the chance to get in touch with these groups.

Some quotes from communities

Ruby Ireland

"I think that community has many different impacts in a developer's life. There was one member who said that if it wasn't for the community they might not have the engineering career that they enjoy right now. For others, it is just knowing that there is support out there if you run into difficulty. Stack Overflow cannot solve everything and the community is there for when it can't. The energy that a community brings can lift you when you might be feeling tired or things are not going so well. And one last thought. There used to be the idea of a "job for life". Well, that does not exist any more. But perhaps we can be part of a community around the time of our first job. And the community can still be there when we get to our last job. The job can be for now but the community can be forever."

"People who attend the meetups are generally people who are eager to improve themselves by learning from others. So we have many stories of attendees having fun discussing their work and life with each other over a beer."


Digital Innovation Hub Roma

"communities play a pivotal role in a developer’s life by aiding in knowledge sharing, problem-solving, networking, and personal development. They also serve as a support system and a source of motivation and camaraderie"

"We help developers to know about technology updates, new technologies, best practices, tips & tricks and also, we help them to discover new job opportunities based on their knowledge and what they really like to do. Over our lifetime as community we've helped many people to find better jobs and to find a solution to very complex tasks. In summary, I think we have done a good job spreading what technology can do for us to improve our lives"


GDG Pisa

"They can expand your mind about both personal growth and professional topics in unanticipated ways. You meet people, you debate, you joke, and drink a beer with them. Then you come back home as a better person, every single time."

"The community gives a safe umbrella to find allies+collaborations, to learn from more experienced people and to discover new opportunities"

WTM Malaga


"Communities are fundamental to sharing knowledge, exchanging thoughts, getting inspired, and finding valuable help from other members. Also, meeting other developers in person is an incredible resource to establish new synergies and further feed the community with insightful experiences. Empathy for others' needs and respect for human beings are incredibly powerful tools."

"We had a lot of stories, how are our community was a game changer for a career or speaker/workshop giver path"

PyLadies Amsterdam

GDG Napoli

"The Community allows you to compare yourself with people who have the same passions as you. It helps you grow, in a serene and familiar environment. Exchanges of ideas and knowledge are the fundamental points, the important thing is to have fun and always do what you love!"

"Without our events not much would happen in the local market especially in the frontend space."

Future Frontend

Brighton Ruby

"I think the impact is huge. We have managed to create STEAM vocations among women, improve the working life of our members and retain people in sparsely populated areas of Spain."

"Any developer is in a non-static moment in their career, they can grow either personally by expanding their own skills or grow as a mentor if they spend time helping others. What can be considered a common dominator for any developer at any stage of their career is that they are all equally capable of being influenced by the others around them. As a community developer, I try to increase the value that can be extracted from the community in the hopes that developers of all stripes join and mutually help each other out, explore, collaborate and grow in a way that their personal goals align with the goals of the community."

Tailwarden France


"I have several stories of community members who found a job, employees, collaborators, funding and more at our events. Our focus on diversity and accessibility helped members of underrepresented groups in their professional growth and has been an inspiration and example for many. E.g. when we introduced our safe space policy in 2015 several other organisers followed our example and adopted similar policies, often for much larger events than ours."

"Learning and Knowledge Sharing, Support and Problem-Solving, Collaboration and Networking, Personal Growth and Mentorship. 

Communities provide developers with a sense of belonging, support, and continuous learning. They contribute to their professional development, foster collaboration, and offer opportunities for personal growth. 

Yes, we have quite a few members who started writing blogs, creating open-source projects, and learning new programming languages and technologies. But above all: they have found a group of friends who support each other and learn together."